Optimisation of the procurement processes and supplier management for Rent a Car

Find out how Rent a Car, a car rental company with €110 million in turnover, successfully reduces supplier payment times, streamlines ordering processes, and improves communication with suppliers with iSYBUY.

📋 Company Profile

Sector : vehicle rental

Group revenue : €110 million

Number of suppliers : 400

Number of orders : 700/month

Spending volume in solution : in progress

Client since : 2023


🎯 Objectives

Control supplier payments.

Implement a simple and fast purchase order tool.

Empower the 200 agencies with the authority to spend on their behalf while keeping control of their decisions.

Manage supplier relationships professionally and effectively.


⚙️ Solution deployment

Project duration : 2.5 months from kick-off to go-live

Number of users : 400

Digitisation rate : 90% of orders digitised two months after go-live thanks to the OCR scan feature.




1️⃣ Faster order validation and mobility

With iSYBUY, Rent a Car streamlines the order validation process, allowing operational staff to approve orders on the go. This flexibility reduces delays and improves the company's responsiveness.


2️⃣ High operational adoption and satisfaction

The intuitive interface and features tailored to Rent a Car's specific needs lead to high satisfaction among staff. The tool is easy to use, which helps all users to adopt it quickly.


3️⃣ Faster order and invoice validation

Through process automation and order digitisation, Rent a Car speeds up invoice validation, reduces supplier payment times, improves cash flow and strengthens supplier relationships.


iSYBUY helps Rent a Car improve its procurement process, manage suppliers and digitise orders. It demonstrates how iSYBUY can transform procurement processes and manage financial workflows for vehicle rental companies.





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